lördag 29 oktober 2011

More pictures from the first day!

Some more pictures from our first day! It takes hours to download them 
but we do it as quickly as we can! Beautiful buses in Kolkata! 

Traffic jam all the time! We are heading for Calcutta international school.

And here we are together with Mrs Nandini Mukherjeee and a geography teacher from the school! 

 They showed us the school and its really beautiful. Here is their library which has a 
magnifisant view through big  panorama windows.

 Beautiful Dwali lights.

Mrs Ann Lindsey, who is involved in an increible collaborative project with schools in India, became our personal, knowledgable and extremely helpful as well as generous tourguide! She told us uncountable tips as how to make the best of our trip and even helped us to find the right store for buying food for the long trip to Dardjeling. 
She's the best!

 Remember your books? 
Next time we're going to tell you what happened when they 
were delivered to the students!

fredag 28 oktober 2011

Hello from Kolkata the second day!

 Arrived at Kolkata 3 a.m. Tired, confused and waiting for the driver to come. So excited!
The driver finally came to take us to the guest house.

 Crazy taxidrive in high(!) speed through Kolkata, beautiful lit up due to Dwali.
A festival celebrating the god Kali.

 Here we stay- the Chowdury Guesthouse! It's located i a nice neighbourhood and
in the central parts of the city.

Everywhere you can se so called "Pandals" beeing built.
They are temporary tempels that hounor Kali during Dwali.

torsdag 27 oktober 2011

Aentligen haer!

After a long, smooth journey and  a short night's sleep we have settled in in Kolkata. It is a true experience and we are enjoying it thoruoghly! We are right now at Calcutta International School and planning for our next visit with our students in January. We have also talked about the CIS-students' visit to Stockholm, having a lot of fun describing what the weather will be like...=) Slightly colder than here. It is so exciting after such a long time of planning and communicating that we are finally here, meeting everybody in person and working out more concretely the details of our collaboration.

See you tomorrow!