onsdag 2 november 2011

The sixth day- Visit to CIS and The University!

Economics lesson and discussion of sustainable development in general 
as well as regarding energy sources. Very interesting lesson!

At Calcutta university we met Sharmistha Banerjee, teacher in business mangagement, who, together with Co-ordinating principal Anders Lundevi started the exchange program in 2010. Now she is working at the university  and took us on a grand tour of the humanities department and introduced us to several very interesting teachers who all had connections to Sweden!

Brand new library- very beautiful and harmonious!

University entrance hall.

Victoria Memorial

Sharmistha and her husband took us to a private club where families go to relax, 
swim and hang out with family and friends.

Dinner at Haldiram, an Indian fast food restaurant.

Sharmistha, her husband, Ann and the four of us having a wonderful meal! 
Excellent food!

The fifth day- going back to Kolkata!

Buddhist temple on our way down from the mountain. We were allowed to witness 
a praying ceremoni in the temple. What an incredible experience! 
The monks were chanting mantras and rhythmically hitting each a drum. Very harminius!

Monks and future monks.

Souvenir shopping at another stop. A lovely store with very nice salespeople.

Bagdogra airport. A one hour flight on our way back.

tisdag 1 november 2011

The fourth day- Sunrise at Tiger Hill and and visit to the Zoo!

Himalyan sunrise at Tiger Hill!

First rays...

Kanchunjunga, the third highest mountain in the world! 8,586 m high.

Chilly and beautiful morning.

On our way to the zoo we encountered this monkey.

The red panda-what a beautiful animal!

Snow leopard.

Huge tiger!

Indian spices!

Third day- Trip to Darjeeling

Idols of hindu gods at our Guest house.

Entrance of train station.

Going around the station.

Passengers standing in line to get on the train.

Martin and Marcus' compartment which they shared with three other Indian gentlemen.

Stop on the way up to Darjeeling.

Half way up and growing more and more mountain-like.

Steam train, also called "The toy train", on the way to Darjeeling.

After 3 1/2 hours journey with a van we reached Darjeeling. What a city!

Mall road with numerous shops.

Woman selling idols of Buddha and other things

The second day

Elocution contest: Jury of three teachers not teaching the students at the 
moment judge the level of each student.

The librarian Mrs Ganguly gives instructions to one of the students before her speech.

Students from grade 10 are looking at the booklets with interest!

Asking about henna tatoos(Mehendi)on the hands and the symbolic value of it, 
as it was Brothers day on which you salubrate your brother =).

lördag 29 oktober 2011

More pictures from the first day!

Some more pictures from our first day! It takes hours to download them 
but we do it as quickly as we can! Beautiful buses in Kolkata! 

Traffic jam all the time! We are heading for Calcutta international school.

And here we are together with Mrs Nandini Mukherjeee and a geography teacher from the school! 

 They showed us the school and its really beautiful. Here is their library which has a 
magnifisant view through big  panorama windows.

 Beautiful Dwali lights.

Mrs Ann Lindsey, who is involved in an increible collaborative project with schools in India, became our personal, knowledgable and extremely helpful as well as generous tourguide! She told us uncountable tips as how to make the best of our trip and even helped us to find the right store for buying food for the long trip to Dardjeling. 
She's the best!

 Remember your books? 
Next time we're going to tell you what happened when they 
were delivered to the students!